Chemical Patents | Drug Patents | Pharma Patents
Innovations in pharmaceutical and chemical industry are protected by way of chemical patents, drug patents and pharmaceutical patents.
Innovations in pharmaceutical and chemical industry are protected by way of chemical patents, drug patents and pharmaceutical patents.
Growth of e-commerce industry has led to various innovations using technology to boost customer engagement and revenue growth.
Biological patents are granted under the patent law covering innovations that disclose application of biotechnology in medicine and healthcare.
With increasing number of innovative computer chips getting introduced into the market, the inventions in this sector require protection by way of semiconductor patents. Also, design patents or design registrations in India are covered under the protection of industrial designs as governed by the Designs Act, 2000 (as amended).
Information and Communication Technology or ICT represents a new taxonomy of the International Patent Classification (IPC), which also overlaps with the evolving category of Software Patents, Artificial Intelligence or AI Patents, and Machine Learning Patents.
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