Our expertise and work is a broad spectrum of various technologies within the aeronautic, automotive, substance and marine engineering, electrical and mechanical engineering sectors. We counsel start-ups, academies, university spin-offs, Small and Medium Enterprises and multinationals in shielding their inventions and improvements and advancing their market share in the face of contestant IP. Our team of specialists work with a broad range of clients from the academic and commercial sectors, and many of our lawyers has degrees in engineering disciplines. We often work with companies developing solutions for domestic and commercial engineering problems, from nanoengineering to major constructional engineering. One of the major strong points of our firm is our understanding of IP problems facing the a variety of sectors of the industrial market, alongside our aptitude to provide cost-effective and client-focused solutions to these problems. Through long-term relationships with our clients, some extending over half a century, we have built up a deep knowledge of the sector. Many of our professional staff has engineering and manufacturing qualifications, as well as specialist skills from previous roles in industry.
With increasing number of innovative computer chips getting introduced into the market, the inventions in this sector require protection by way of semiconductor patents. Also, design patents or design registrations in India are covered under the protection of industrial designs as governed by the Designs Act, 2000 (as amended).
Although a bit far flung from your average commercial litigation options for patenting, certain engineering technology innovations may drive companies to consider pursuing patents in one or more of the group of developing and small nations. Specifically, these countries include China, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. These nations often rank fairly high when it comes to engineering technologies and innovations that can be protected by patents.
Additionally, patents issued in these foreign nations often seek to limit the strength of competitors’ patents, while protecting the domestic industry from counterfeit or generic products. With the ever-increasing number of patents being issued each year, a large portion of the IP protection market is made up of patents issued by foreign nations. In considering a technology patent, an engineer must first decide whether the innovation meets the requirements for ” patents,” which will enable the patent to claim the benefits of the invention.